Current Protocols in Molecular Biology

ISBN: 047150338X Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc Edition (December 4,2003) 1600 pages PDF 46 MB

Current Protocols in Molecular Biology (CPMB), the first in the Current Protocols family of laboratory manuals, is the international standard by which all other laboratory manuals are judged. Originally published in 1987, CPMB now boasts of three looseleaf volumes (soon to expand to four volumes). Basic methods for DNA preparation and isolation, library screening, and sequencing have been joined by more advanced procedures detailing DNA-protein interactions, yeast manipulation, and phosphorylation analyses. From basics to the cutting edge, CPMB is the resource you need for successful experiments. Carefully edited, step-by-step protocols replete with material lists, expert commentaries, and safety and troubleshooting tips ensure that you can duplicate the experimental results in your own laboratory. Quarterly updates, which are filed into the looseleaf, keep the set current with the latest developments in molecular biology methods. The initial purchase includes one year of updates and then subscribers may renew their annual subscriptions. Current Protocols publishes a family of laboratory manuals for bioscientists, including Immunology, Human Genetics, Protein Science, Cytometry, Cell Biology, Neuroscience, Pharmacology, and Toxicology.

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